
Mr. & Mrs. LeMieux

We loved being apart of your special day! From Nicole getting into her customized dress (that was once her mother's!), to your first dance as husband and wife. We send you the warmest of wishes for your future together! 


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Mr. & Mrs. Stout

Winter weddings are so refreshing! Chilly air in your lungs, rosy cheeks, and a blanket of white can transform any location into a magical wonderland. Chris and Holly were married at St. Mary's Catholic Church, where it was still beautifully decorated with wreaths, pine trees, and Christmas lights. The reception followed in Grand Haven at Harbourfront Grand Hall also known as Porto Bello's. 

We were so excited when Holly told us they were going be seeing each other before the ceremony. Her original location idea for their first look was too visible by guests arriving early so we quick moved it to an outdoor spot and I'm so glad we did!


Congratulations again, Chris and Holly! We loved being apart of your wedding day! 

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Taylor's Secret Proposal

After weeks of planning and immense anticipation, Taylor was ready to get down on bended knee for his future bride. 

Jessica and Taylor have been dating for over 5 years. They met at a demolition derby, where Taylor unknowingly obtained her phone number (because she programed it in his cell phone). He called a few weeks later.

Luckily for Taylor, Jessica is an avid pinner on Pinterest. She had inadvertently planned her proposal and knew she wanted a secret photographer to capture the special occasion. Taylor got her two.

Alison had met Jessica at her sister Amber's wedding, who coincidentally was helping Taylor plan the proposal. They contacted Wildflower with a plan that would tug at every girls heart strings. He had rented space on The Harbor Theater marquee in Muskegon (and a suit!) and proclaimed a very simple message.


The time had come. Taylor's parents and sister had joined him, along with Jessica's mom. Her dad and sisters had the duty of keeping her occupied until Taylor was ready. At the right moment, they would point out the sign and the coincidence of her name. Until Taylor walks out of the theater to surprise her with a ring. 


Jessica said, "my first thought, hey!! that's my name! and when I turned around again and read the whole sign...I was a little annoyed that someone else that WASN'T me was getting engaged...then I saw Taylor, and it all made sense. Absolutely perfect."

It was time to contact grandparents and close loved ones with the exciting news.



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The Girl Scouts Come to Visit

The opportunity to help the girls earn their photography badges presented itself when one of the troop leaders, Brittany, contacted us. She is a co-leader of two troops based out of Fruitport, which consisted of 6th and 8th grade girls. They were set to earn their photography badges, and needed to learn the basic fundamentals.

We constructed an itinerary that included hands on learning and the freedom to express their inner creativity. We developed a scavenger hunt that allowed the girls to use what they had learned to capture images around our building.

Ice Skates taken by the Girl Scouts!

Ice Skates taken by the Girl Scouts!

"Bunny Ears" taken by the Girl Scouts!

"Bunny Ears" taken by the Girl Scouts!

Burning Candle taken by the Girl Scouts!

Burning Candle taken by the Girl Scouts!

Silly Face taken by the Girl Scouts!

Silly Face taken by the Girl Scouts!

Teddy Bear taken by the Girl Scouts!

Teddy Bear taken by the Girl Scouts!

Present taken by the Girl Scouts!

Present taken by the Girl Scouts!


This has been our fourth time donating our services. We love volunteering our time, especially if we can incorporate photography! If you know of any foundations that are deserving or in need, let us know! What better way to create awareness than taking photographs? With the help of social media, it is a great way to spread the word.

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